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A few questions...

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A few questions... Empty A few questions...

Post  xealot298 Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:42 pm

With school out, I was looking to start playing RO again, but lo and behold my old RO server had been almost entirely abandoned. To get to the point, I'm considering joining this server and I have a few questions.
1.There is no control panel - will there ever be one?
2.As there is no control panel, I can't tell how many people are online. - What's the average number of players?
3.Does the server experience any downtime? When?(GMT)
4.Are there any items that can be earned only via Donation? Do they significantly affect gameplay?
5.Will there ever be any custom enemies/items/maps/quests/events?

If these questions have been addressed elsewhere on the forum, I'm sorry, I didn't really have time to go through each thread. Thanks in advance for your response. Looking forward to joining your community.

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-06-08
Age : 33

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A few questions... Empty Re: A few questions...

Post  GMSpike Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:09 pm

Well we are working on it slowly. At the moment more important stuff are being worked on. The CP and a patcher will arrive but I do not know when exactly.

We have a average of 6-13 players online. And this is our 3rd day.

There are no down times. And if there will be any then it isn't a downtime. It's just a server maintenance so we can update the server. Max 1-2 hours. Our last 2 updates took max 15 minutes. So do not worry.

Also a special thing. We have party bonus EXP system during Even share. This means that a party of 5 players will receive 100% extra EXP. Aka 20% bonus exp for each party member. This is because we want to encourage partying and hopefully build relationships. I know a game is much more fun when you play with others!

We have no donation items. We do not even have donation. But if we will get donation then the items will not affect the game. Those items will basically just be for looks.

We do not use any customs. I mean this quote here will hopefully answer all your others questions!

"This is KyoRO - We like to keep it ol'school and clean!"

We follow the original server. So what kRO/RO got, we got!

Simplicity master,

Posts : 10
Join date : 2009-06-03

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A few questions... Empty Re: A few questions...

Post  kaze of the azure sky Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:44 am

well i have a question or 2

first, do you have just tings as, warper, job changer, skill/stat resetter(if so how much to reset)

and what episode are you currently on, and what custom features does this server offer me?

kaze of the azure sky

Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-06-09

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